Friday, February 25, 2011

Berita Rumah Mungil yang sehat

But Berita Rumah Mungil yang sehat having a healthy Tiny Houses I think most coveted by everyone. Why not create a beautiful atmosphere in a tiny house. Imagine how betahnya all family members who live in the house. Indeed, home is the primary requirement, which is usually called the (board) if the lesson sd. Imagine a house is a pedestal, shelter from heat and hujan.pokonya pedestal everything, before the needs of others.

Amid the high-paced needs, consumers Rumah Mungil yang sehat are reluctant to choose a house with a large capacity, besides the price is relatively expensive, they also typically think 'why should sich akh-big big house, yet members kluarga most 5 people, yet ngurusnya necessary additional costs, care, and so other, is complicated pkoknya '. Racing from it all so many people are more interested in having a healthy Tiny House because of the relatively affordable cost, also from pengelolalan that is not too eat a lot of money, workers, just fit the economy is to scale down the middle.

Then how the criteria of a Rumah Mungil yang sehat healthy small house, ideal for the whole family??, By following my own variety which must be contained in a tiny house is healthy;

* It has a bedroom, living room, bathroom, and kitchen, separate. Because if the room can not be categorized together healthy small house, because it will cause dirty.
* Sufficient air ventilation, air circulation is good depends on the condition of the air vents
* Lighting is sufficient, in the sense that there is enough sunlight into the house
* Staining technique (paint) the house using the color - the color of the remedy, the eyes, like green and so on, do not heavy eyes.
* Has a yard in front of the house, and there are some that ditanm tumuhan in voliback or flower pot, it was partly Rumah Mungil yang sehat the heart of a healthy small house because of air (oxygen) is inhaled obtained from plants, more plants in the yard, menambh the freshness of the air around the house.

Maybe it was the picture Rumah Mungil yang sehat of the components that must exist in a healthy small house, oh yes format tiny room in a house, preferably with a relaxed atmosphere made the room so, among the family members will tecipta peace, with the contrived conditions relaxed Rungan , and peace would be the more accomplished, beautiful atmosphere of fresh air, among family members living rukun. Hmmm .... perfect, to find out tips - home design tips and the ins and outs of a complete house can visit this address iDEAOnline secured all the needs of the home, from interior design to the color and other car-lainnay peeled completely.

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